install rubygems

i install ruby 1.8.8 on ubuntu and when i install rubygem by code are:

wget tar xzvf rubygems-1.3.1.tgz cd rubygems-1.3.1

but i used this command is > sudo ruby setup.rb i get error is

/home/test/rubygems-1.3.1/lib/rubygems/version.rb:53:in `initialize': Malformed version number string 1.8.8.-1 (ArgumentError)

  from /home/test/rubygems-1.3.1/lib/rubygems.rb:676:in `new'   from /home/test/rubygems-1.3.1/lib/rubygems.rb:676:in `ruby_version'   from setup.rb:111

pls ,give comment for me what wrong in the installation rubygems

i install ruby 1.8.8 on ubuntu

Do you really want to use an unfinished, unstable version of ruby?


I would recommend just going with the version of Ruby Ubuntu installs by default and running with that for now, unless there is a specific reason to be running with 1.8.8 for you.

If you change line 5 of version.h from

#define RUBY_PATCHLEVEL -1           to #define RUBY_PATCHLEVEL 1

rubygems won't complain.

Regards, Troy