Injecting SQL conditions to models?

Hi all,

I have an app where I have Users, users upload images, post blog comments, etc. All has been fine until we now need to disable a user. Which means all calls to User.find_by_id() now need to exclude any disabled users. Also searches for such things as photos and blog comments need to exlude those belonging to disabled users.

Aside from going through the whole application and addition conditions to calls such as find_by_id (and other such searches), is there some clean way that I could add this requirement? I simply need to exclude user, comment and photo searches of disabled users.

Hope this makes sense.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Diego

Hi Diego, you can do the following:

a) add a field to the user table called 'disabled' and this field is set to 'false' by default.

b) change how you perform the find

     user = User.find( :first, :conditions => [ "disabled = ? and id = ?", "false", input_id ] )

c) update your admin area so that you can simply disable a user

Good luck,


Thanks Conrad. Appreciate the response.

I’m doing something similar, except I’ve taken it a step further. Rather than having a boolean field, I have an integer field (technically a foreign key, although the meanings of the numbers are hard-coded as well) which means I can have different levels of blocking. 0 means “active”, 1 means “temporarily blocked” (still receives email alerts and stuff, but temporarily can’t log in), 2 means “frozen” (still appears as a member in the system, but doesn’t receive emails and can’t log-in), and 3 means deleted (completely hidden from everyone, but still on the system to maintain database integrity, and in case deletion was in error).

Hope this helps, -N