inherit controller, how to do it?

I'm doing small blog for myself, I faced a problem when I want some controller to inherit.

class BlogController < ApplicationController


class PostController < BlogController def list    render :text => "asd" end end

class CommentController < PostController def list    render :text => "asd" end end

So when I visit

I get "asd", shouldn't it be like that?

Nope. When you inherit a controller like you've done, all you are doing is giving your Comment/Post controllers access to the methods in BlogController.

So you could move your list() action up into BlogController, take it out of the other two and then call: and domain/comment/list and you'd be *running* the BlogController.list action.

To get that heiararchy you want something like this:

app/controllers/admin/admin_controller.rb app/controllers/admin/photo_controller.rb

that start off with these:

class Admin::AdminController < ApplicationController class Admin::PhotoController < Admin::AdminController

Then you can call<action goes here>
