Import Hotmail contacts

Hi friend,

how to import hotmail contacts in our application.

i used omnicontacts gem. my code is


def contact_list

@contacts = request.env[‘omnicontacts.contacts’]



<%@contacts.each do |con| %>

<%= con[:email] %>

<%= con[:name] %>


name return correctly but email return empty.

Thanks for advance.

how to import hotmail contacts in our application.


name return correctly but email return empty.

The README at GitHub - Diego81/omnicontacts: A generalized Rack middleware for importing contacts from major email providers. says:

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Hotmail presents a "peculiar" feature. Their API returns a Contact object which does not contain an e-mail field! However, if the contact has either name, family name or both set to null, than there is a field called name which does contain the e-mail address. This means that it may happen that an Hotmail contact does not contain the email field.

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Also, at least as of early 2013, Hotmail didn't let you retrieve your contacts' email addresses, UNLESS said contact was a Hotmail user too, AND had specifically approved the app in question to see their address. They may have loosened that up since then, but I wouldn't count on it.

-Dave (who has contributed code to Omnicontacts)