I have the following routes in my Rails 3 app:
resources :lists, :id => /([A-Za-z0-9]{25})|default/ do resources :todos, :id => /\d+/ end
rake routes outputs: list_todos GET /lists/:list_id/ todos(.:format) {:list_id=>/\d +/, :action=>"index", :controller=>"todos"} new_list_todo GET /lists/:list_id/todos/ new(.:format) {:list_id=>/\d +/, :action=>"new", :controller=>"todos"} list_todo GET /lists/:list_id/ todos/:id(.:format) {:id=>/\d+/, :list_id=>/\d +/, :action=>"show", :controller=>"todos"} edit_list GET /lists/:id/ edit(.:format) {:id=>/([A-Za-z0-9]{25})| default/, :action=>"edit", :controller=>"lists"} list GET / lists/:id(.:format) {:id=>/([A-Za-z0-9]{25})| default/, :action=>"show", :controller=>"lists"}
:list_id for the nested resource simply can't be right?
I tracked it down to nested_options in mapper.rb options[:constraints] = { "#{parent_resource.singular} _id".to_sym => id_constraint } if id_constraint?
In my eyes this doesn't make sense. Is there a way to get the id_constraint of the parent_resource?
Cheers, Martin