I downloaded rails-2.3.2.zip. How do I install it?

I've installed Ruby using the one-click installer for Windows.

As said, I downloaded the zip package for RoR and unzipped it to my local hard disk. There is no main install.rb for RoR, but there is one install.rb for Actionmailer, Actionpack, Activerecord, ActiveResource, Activesupport. How to I install RoR then? Should I install each module separately by running 'ruby install.rd' in each directory?

Sean Tay wrote:

I've installed Ruby using the one-click installer for Windows.

As said, I downloaded the zip package for RoR and unzipped it to my local hard disk. There is no main install.rb for RoR, but there is one install.rb for Actionmailer, Actionpack, Activerecord, ActiveResource, Activesupport. How to I install RoR then? Should I install each module separately by running 'ruby install.rd' in each directory?

That's not the correct way. You should:

- install Ruby - Download rubygems and run setup.rb - Install Rails from rubygems with: $ [sudo] gem install rails