how to validate a form field sequentially

First, sorry for my English :S ..

Hi! I've searched about my problem into the forum but I didn't find any post. When I fill, for example, an email field my model validates the presence, uniqueness, max-length (128) and format (a regular expression). If a user doesn't fill that field, the validation returns two messages:   - The message about the field is blank (yeeeee).   - The message about the field haven't the correct format (buuuu). I only want to show the first message. Is there any way to do the validation sequentially and stop when a validation doesn't be correct? an example: first => presence, second => format, third => max-length, fourth => uniqueness..

Last, sorry for my English :S .. Thanks!


Yes, validating format only when field has a value:


validates_format_of :field, :with => “xxxx”, :allow_blank => true

:allow_nil - If set to true, skips this validation if the attribute is nil (default is false)

:allow_blank - If set to true, skips this validation if the attribute is blank (default is false)


validates_format_of :field, :with => “xxxx”, :if =>{|record| !record.field.blank? }

but the first one is better (allow_blank), with the last one u can make a validation based on more than one field…

Hope this helps…

Amazing! thanks Gianluca :DD!!


Gianluca Tessarolo wrote: