How to store contents of table in Hash???

Hi evrybody..

I was storing the values in hash using..

places = [ {:address=>'555 Irving, San Francisco, CA',:description=>'Irving',:image=>'/images/1.jpg'}, {:address=>'1401 Valencia St, San Francisco, CA',:description=>'Valencia',:image=>'/images/2.jpg'},               ]

But now I want to take these values from database..I created , migrated table correctly...

N now using the statement @companies = Company.find(:all)

But now i dont understand how can i store these fetched values in hash-


I dont want static values...

So can anybody please help me for it... Thanks...

Thanks for the help...

actually i am using places hash i dnt want modifications throughout the code...n want to put the all retrieved records to be placed in that...places. n i want it at the start of controller call...

thats y...

ok i tried ur statments given...but still it is giving error...

TypeError in GmapController#index

can't convert nil into String

RAILS_ROOT: /home/ubuntu/gmaptry Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace

app/controllers/gmap_controller.rb:57:in `+' app/controllers/gmap_controller.rb:57:in `get_geocode' app/controllers/gmap_controller.rb:30:in `index' app/controllers/gmap_controller.rb:28:in `each' app/controllers/gmap_controller.rb:28:in `each_with_index' app/controllers/gmap_controller.rb:28:in `index'


so what should i do...please help....

also i am using evrywhere.... place[:address] place[:description]....

so how can i specify that...

please help me....



I got the solution by myself

now i am using the code...

@companies.each do |company| places [ {:address => company.addr, :description => company.cname , :image => company.img}] end

it is working without ant error...

but now the problem is that .....

the values are getting overwritted in places array...and only last record is saved...

so what can i do for increamenting places index...

or anybody knows any another method....

please help me....