How to prevent query being executed for each row in list


I have just started using rails and I am wondering how I can prevent a query being executed for each row in my list view.

I have 2 models: OrganizationType and Organization which has a one-to- many relationship through association in the models.

In the controller when Organization.all is being executed I see that select statement is created that joins both tables as expected. However in the list I output OrganizationType's description with "<%=h organization.organization_type.description %>" and this seems to execute another query for the OrganizationType. I am assuming this is because of the organization_type method that has been added by rails in organization due to the association.

How can I output the OrganizationType's description from the @organizations variable without a query being executed for each row in the list?

Thanks, Edwin.

How can I output the OrganizationType's description from the @organizations variable without a query being executed for each row in the list?

You can use the ":include" option of AR to eager-load relationships:

I have just started using rails

Welcome! :slight_smile: I'd suggest not to worry too much (at this stage) about which queries are being executed when. While learning, I'd just focus on the higher-level operations of the framework.