how to pass"page" parameter to xxx_path or xxx_url

Dear all,

In my app, i uses named route to point to a list page. This is a paginated list. I try to go to a specific page by passing the "page" parameter to the xxx_path method in link_to call, but this method doesn't accept additional hash. So my question is is there a way to construct a link to a specific page in pagination using xxx_path method?

Thanks, - Chuong

Use xxx_url(params).


xxx_path(:id =>

xxx_url(:id =>


the standard method is to pass a hash for everything instead of using
positional parameters:

foos_path(:parent_id => 'a_parent', :page => 2)

An alternative is to use my resource_fu plugin [1] which does allow
mixing of positional and hash parameters in your url helpers - though
that's not the *only* change to url helpers that it makes so you may
want to check out the README file to make sure its not introducing
behavior you'd rather not have.

Regards, Trevor

[1] -


I've applied your suggestion, but instead of taking parameters which match the named route description and only put the remained parameters in the format of param1=value1&param2=value2..., it put all parameters under that format.

Luckily in my case, the value of parameters in named route get inherited from the current url so I just left out those parameters in the xxx_path call, and it works now. However, I still want to know in the case which these parameters not inherited, how can we pass all parameters.

Thank you for your help.

- Chuong