How to integration test forms with multiple models


I try to create an integration test for a form that updates two models (order and floorplan), Creating a functional test for this situation works fine, however I cannot build an equivalent integration test.

My master model (order) contains has_many :floorplans accepts_nested_attributes_for :floorplans

that makes it possible to assign floorplans directly to order

then I have a form (new.html.erb) containing <% form_for(@order, :html => {:multipart => true}) do |f| %>     <% f.fields_for :floorplans do |floorplan_fields| %>       <%= floorplan_fields.file_field :file_upload %>     <% end %> <% end %>

I only want my form to contain one floorplan object to be created, so in the controller I have   def new     @order =   end

In the functional test I can now verify what I see in the browser:

  test "should create order" do     assert_difference('Order.count') do       post :create, {         :order => {           :floorplans_attributes =>           [{:file_upload => fixture_file_upload('files/empty', 'image/png')}           ]         }}     end

This works fine, but if I try to test this in an integration test I can't test this, I have tried both

    post "orders/create", {:order => {         :floorplans_attributes =>         [ {:file_upload => fixture_file_upload('files/empty', 'image/png')} ]       }}


    post "orders/create", {:order => {         :floorplans_attributes_0_file_upload => fixture_file_upload('files/empty', 'image/png')       }}

but it doesn't work.

The first attempt just serialises the list [ {:file_upload => fixture_file_upload('files/empty', 'image/png')} ] into a string when creating the HTTP POST request and produces

    Hash or Array expected, got String ("file_upload#<ActionController::TestUploadedFile:0x7f47ee571f60>")

The second one fails with

    unknown attribute: floorplans_attributes_0_file_upload

What to do?


Jarl Friis <> writes:


I try to create an integration test for a form that updates two models (order and floorplan), Creating a functional test for this situation works fine, however I cannot build an equivalent integration test.

I figured out that this was a bug in rails test framework.

I have made some tests that demonstrates the problem and a patch that solves the problem.

Both is available in ticket#2576
