How to do collection_select pulldown style="width:200px"

DAN wrote:

I figured it out finally...

..., { :prompt => "Select Book Type..." }, { "style" => "width:200px" }

I know this is old, but I'm bumping it because it helped me out. Also, one other tip for collection_select:

If you don't need the prompt, you can use this:

…, {}, { "style" => "width:200px" }

Rob Bean wrote:

DAN wrote:

I figured it out finally...

..., { :prompt => "Select Book Type..." }, { "style" => "width:200px" }

I know this is old, but I'm bumping it because it helped me out. Also, one other tip for collection_select:

If you don't need the prompt, you can use this:

…, {}, { "style" => "width:200px" }

But note that none of these are good ideas. Style attributes do not belong in good HTML. Instead, use a separate CSS file. (For best results, add Sass and Compass into the mix.)
