how to displya view from controller after fetching data from database ?

I suggest you work through some tutorials to understand the basics of Rails. is good and is free to use online. Make sure that any tutorial you use is for Rails 3 and that you have installed the correct version to match the tutorial.


how would i display data in my spList view from my Controller sportList ..?? I want to fetch this data from database..Model has been created for table name Sports.. {class Sports < ActiveRecord::Base   attr_accessible :date_created, :deleted, :id, :last_updated, :sports_name, :version


which database query should I write in sportList Controller to dispylay data in spList view....please suggess...

I suggest you work through some tutorials to understand the basics of Rails. is good and is free to use online. Make sure that any tutorial you use is for Rails 3 and that you have installed the correct version to match the tutorial.

Also this list is for discussing rails core development issues, the Ruby on Rails Talk list is for help and general discussions.
