how to display links inside my rss description?

Posts: 76 how to display links inside my rss description? hey all, I have that in my rxml: xml.instruct!

xml.rss "version" => "2.0", "xmlns:dc" => "DCMI: DCMI Metadata Terms; do do   xml.title _('My RSS') url_for(:only_path=> false,        :controller=>'authors',        :action => 'list')   xml.pubDate CGI.rfc1123_date(@items.first.updated_at)   xml.description _("feed of the day")   @items.each do |item|     xml.item do     xml.title item.title url_for(:only_path => false,         :controller => 'items',         :action => 'show',         :id => list)     xml.description item.authors.collect do |author|      link_to(,:only_path => false,         :controller => 'items',         :action => 'show',         :id =>

    end    xml.pubDate CGI.rfc1123_date(list.updated_at)     xml.guid url_for(:only_path => false,         :controller => 'items',         :action => 'show',         :id => item) h("no one")         end   end end

but then i get that error: XmlMarkup cannot mix a text argument with a block

Extracted source (around line #18):

15: :controller => 'items', 16: :action => 'show', 17: :id => list) 18: xml.description item.authors.collect do |author| 19: link_to(,:only_path => false, 20: :controller => 'items', 21: :action => 'show', 22: :id =>

any idea how I should do this?

Thanx in advance


Patrick Aljord wrote:

Posts: 76 how to display links inside my rss description?

It doesn't look like you're having trouble with any links... looks like Builder doesn't like you calling a block as an argument to a tag (via method_missing):

    xml.description item.authors.collect do |author|      link_to(,:only_path => false,         :controller => 'items',         :action => 'show',         :id =>


I think you want braces around the content (the block) being passed to xml.description:

   xml.description {      item.authors.collect do |author|        link_to(,:only_path => false,          :controller => 'items',          :action => 'show',          :id =>      end    }

Looks to me like you also have some typos in there, unless they're features of Builder of which I'm not aware... in particular there is a '_' character before a '(' in two places:

   xml.title _('My RSS')


   xml.description _("feed of the day")

Good luck


sorry - just noticed this thread.

this thread will show you how to use resource_feeder(render_rss_feed_for) to render regular old rhtml views for rss/atom descriptions.

Cheers, Jodi General Partner The nNovation Group inc.


thanx a lot.

Patrick Aljord wrote:

thanx a lot.

Looks to me like you also have some typos in there, unless they're features of Builder of which I'm not aware... in particular there is a '_' character before a '(' in two places:

   xml.title _('My RSS')


   xml.description _("feed of the day")

this is not a typo, it's just ruby gettext synthax :slight_smile:

Ah, cool... so I taught you something and you taught me something! :slight_smile:
