how to delete drop down select value in ROR

Hi, I want to display a drop down list of categories from my database, and I want to give a link to delete the selected category in drop down list. I have written the following code, but its not working, please help me out

How to delete a drop down select value by using link_to option.

My code is:


 <%= collection_select(:catvalue, :id, @catvalues, :id, :v_name, {}, class: 'drop-down') %>
<%= link_to 'Destroy', {:catvalue => :id},method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %>

and my

controller is:

class CatvaluesController < ApplicationController
    def index
@catvalue =
        @catvalues = Catvalue.        all
@categories = Category.    all

    def destroy
@catvalue_del = Catvalue.find(params[:id])
        @catvalue_del.        destroy
redirect_to catvalues_path

but its not working

please help me…

Thanks in advance

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