Hi guys,
Could you give me a sample or link for creating embedding code in ruby on rails?
Thanks, Yudi Soesanto
Hi guys,
Could you give me a sample or link for creating embedding code in ruby on rails?
Thanks, Yudi Soesanto
Yudi Soesanto wrote:
Hi guys,
Could you give me a sample or link for creating embedding code in ruby on rails?
What do you mean by "embedding code"?
What I am trying to do is: I creating a survey website. User can register to create a survey and this survey can be embedded to other site with providing embedded script. The problem I have, I don't know how to create embedded code via ruby on rails. I never done this.
Please help!!!
Thanks, Ys
Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
Your embed code should be something alone the lines of:
Exactly the same as you would do in any other language, like PHP, Perl, …
You basically need to load your survey into a frame embedded into your users site and on your RoR backend it won’t make any difference whether it’s loaded into the iFrame or would just be directly accessed.
Best regards
Peter De Berdt
Thanks for yorur help Peter. Do you have link or tutorial guide in the internet? I am new with this.
Peter De Berdt wrote:
I’ll give you the basics, the rest is up to you (setting height, width, injecting in a specific div etc):
Best regards
Peter De Berdt
Thank you for your help. I tried to create embedding code like this:
<a href="http://polsta.net/?embed=25cf2273474a99d9a0809d40bc8b495b" id="polstalink25cf2273474a99d9a0809d40bc8b495b">new survey</a><script type="text/javascript" src="http://polsta.net/javascripts/embedding.js"
type="text/javascript">polstaEmbed('25cf2273474a99d9a0809d40bc8b495b', 'http://polsta.net/')</script>
Is there possible? Do I need to create embedding.js? How I read those script?
Yudi Soesanto
Peter De Berdt wrote:
Yudi Soesanto wrote:
Thank you for your help. I tried to create embedding code like this:
<a href="http://polsta.net/?embed=25cf2273474a99d9a0809d40bc8b495b" id="polstalink25cf2273474a99d9a0809d40bc8b495b">new survey</a><script type="text/javascript" src="http://polsta.net/javascripts/embedding.js"
type="text/javascript">polstaEmbed('25cf2273474a99d9a0809d40bc8b495b', 'http://polsta.net/')</script>
And what happened when you tried?
Is there possible? Do I need to create embedding.js? How I read those script?
These are questions best directed to a JavaScript forum.
Yudi Soesanto