How to connect to database and then display results.

Hi,     I created and mechanize action and fetched raw html to folder and then parsed using nokogiri to store the results in database below are the action given how i did it tell me how to use/connect the database to my rails app and displays the requred result for i want to enter the page search something submit it and display records. below are the actions:

parsing action: require 'rubygems' require 'nokogiri' require 'sqlite3'

FIELD_NAMES = [['selectcity', 'VARCHAR'],['match', 'VARCHAR'], ['phone_no', 'NUMERIC'], ['name', 'VARCHAR'],['address', 'VARCHAR'] ]

TABLE_DIV_ID = "#dgrSearch" OFILE ='data-hold/tel-directory.txt', 'w') OFILE.puts({|f| f[0]}.join("\t") )

DBNAME = "data-hold/tel-directory.sqlite" File.delete(DBNAME) if File.exists?DBNAME DB = DBNAME )

TABLE_NAME = "telephone_records" DB_INSERT_STATEMENT = "INSERT into #{TABLE_NAME} values   (#{{'?'}.join(',')})"

DB.execute "CREATE TABLE #{TABLE_NAME}(#{{|f| "`#{f[0]}` #{f[1]}"}.join(', ')});" FIELD_NAMES.each do |fn| DB.execute "CREATE INDEX #{fn[2]} ON #{TABLE_NAME}(#{fn[0]})" unless fn[2].nil? end

Dir.glob("data-hold/pages/*.html").each do |fname|    meta_info = File.basename(fname, '.html').split('--')    page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(fname))

page.css("#{TABLE_DIV_ID} tr").each do |tr|       data_tds = tr.css('td').map{ |td|          td.text.gsub(/[$,](?=\d)/, '').gsub(/\302\240|\s/, '').strip       }

data_row = meta_info + data_tds       OFILE.puts( data_row.join("\t"))       DB.execute(DB_INSERT_STATEMENT, data_row)

end end


mechanize action: require 'rubygems' require 'mechanize' require 'fileutils' DIR = 'data-hold/pages' FileUtils.makedirs(DIR)

class GoogleController < ApplicationController def index

home_url = ";

select_field_names = {   'selectcity'=>'DropDownList2',   'match'=>'drpMatch' }

def form_submit_w_exception_handling(frm)   retries = 3   begin     frm.submit(frm.button_with(:value=>'Search'))   rescue Exception=>e     puts "Problem: #{e}"     if retries < 0       retries -= 1       puts "Sleeping...#{retries} left"       retry     else       raise "Unexpected, repeated errors. Shutting down"     end   else     return frm   end end

agent = agent.get(home_url) form =>/AreaWiseSearch.aspx/)

form.field_with(:name=>select_field_names['selectcity']).options[1..-1].each do |selc_opt| form[select_field_names['selectcity']] = selc_opt.value #form.submit(form.button_with(:value=>'Search')) form = form_submit_w_exception_handling(form) puts "selectcity #{selc_opt.value}: #{'tr').length}"

form.field_with(:name=>select_field_names['match']).options[1..-1].each do |mat_opt| form[select_field_names['match']] = mat_opt.value #form.submit(form.button_with(:value=>'Search')) form = form_submit_w_exception_handling(form) puts "match #{mat_opt.value}: #{'tr').length}" fname = "#{DIR}/#{selc_opt.value}--#{mat_opt.value}.html", 'w'){|f| f.puts}    end   end end end

Hi, I created and mechanize action and fetched raw html to folder and then parsed using nokogiri to store the results in database below are the action given how i did it tell me how to use/connect the database to my rails app and displays the requred result for i want to enter the page search something submit it and display records. below are the actions:

It is customary to say thanks to those who helped you to fix your previous problems before asking for help with new ones.

I suggest that you work through some Rails tutorials ( is good and is free to use online) then you should be able to see how to get started. Then come back with specific questions if you have problems.
