How to bypass a create record after validation wo error ?

I have a specific signup process to handle, and I am turning around the solution wo finding a clear validation ... a visitor fill in a User Registration form ( email /pwd /pwd confirmation )

I wrote a UserValidator class to check the uniqueness of the email field

# if no user registered w this email, then no error , can proceed to create   User.where(:email => # no error

# if a user is already registered w this email, target_subdomain = Subdomain.find(self.subdomain_id) unless target_subdomain.members.where(;email => self;email).empty?       record.errors[:email] << "is already a member" # error   else # user is not a not a member of this subdomain....       existing_user = User.where(:email => # get existing user record       target_subdomain.members << existing_user       # THEN I WOULD LIKE TO BYPASS THE CREATION.... w no error

is there a way to do it ... ? it would simplify my sign up process , only one form, only one process...

thanks for your feedback ..

I have a specific signup process to handle, and I am turning around

the solution wo finding a clear validation …

a visitor fill in a User Registration form ( email /pwd /pwd

confirmation )

I wrote a UserValidator class to check the uniqueness of the email


if no user registered w this email, then no error , can proceed to


User.where(:email => # no error

if a user is already registered w this email,

target_subdomain = Subdomain.find(self.subdomain_id)

unless target_subdomain.members.where(;email => self;email).empty?

  record.errors[:email] << "is already a member"    # error

else # user is not a not a member of this subdomain…

  existing_user = User.where(:email =>  # get

existing user record

  target_subdomain.members << existing_user


A little hard to understand what you are doing, but if you want to save/create without validation then do: => false)

Otherwise please be a little more clear, from your code it is not obvious.

I know about => false) ( I used it in my DB seed)

trying to be more explicit , I want to validate the record, but during the validation process ( email uniqueness) one error type should be considered as a specific case , then the user record should not be created but added as a membership to a subdomain .. I guess the best way to do iy is to perform a specific email uniqueness validation ( in a validator class), rather than, I'll use user.valid? then split processing according to user.errors , in some case it'll be a true error ( email not unique in a subdomain) and in other case , email not unique in the DB but user is not yet a member of this subdomain, so add a new membership..

the model is :    User - has_many Membership /has_many Subdomains through Memberships    Subdomain - has_many Membership /has_many Members through Memberships

as User are identified by emails, I can have 3 cases ... 1- a brand new User ( not yet registered at all) ) => -> Subdomain A 2- a User willing to register as a Member in a new Subdomain . -> Subdomain B ( email not unique in DB) 3- a User willing to register as -> Subdomain A ( email not unique , already registered w Subdomain A) case 2 and 3 will be considered as errors during email uniqueness validation , so user.errors will not be empty .. but I can check the message , if case 2 then I can add a new membership for the existing user...

my issue was trying to check it during validation, which seems to be bad, better check raise the error and process it ...

hope it's a little bit enlighted ;-)) thanks for sharing your feedback