how to avoid (Net::SMTPFatalError) "555 5.5.2 Syntax error

Hi all,   I have written code to send mails through action_mailer, where in I called                  MassNotifier.deliver_forward_review_link(current_user.profile.display_name,email,params[:notification][:message],params[:title],params[:designation],params[:company],params[:id],@invitation.invitation_code)

this method , and in mass_notifier.rb I fave written

def forward_review_link(sender,recipients,message,title,designation,company,id,code)

  return if UnsubscribedEmail.find_by_email(recipients)     @unsubscribe_code = MailingList.find_or_create_by_email(recipients)     if @unsubscribe_code.code.nil?        @unsubscribe_code.code = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( {rand}.join )     end     @body[:unsubscribe_link] = "<a href='\{@unsubscribe\_code\.code\}&#39;&gt;click here to unsubscribe<\/a>"

    MassNotifier.delivery_method = :activerecord     @recipients = "#{recipients}"     @from = "#{sender}<>"     @subject = "Check out the Review on #{company}"     @body[:review_link] = "<a href='\{company.downcase.strip.squeeze(" ").gsub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,'-').squeeze("-").chomp("-")}/#{designation.strip.squeeze(" ").gsub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,'-').squeeze("-").chomp("-")}/#{id}'>clck here<\/a>"     @body[:company_name] = "#{company}"     @body[:sender_name] = "#{sender}"     content_type "text/html" end

If I submit an email id, It is giving error as (Net::SMTPFatalError) "555 5.5.2 Syntax error. d29sm1994943and.38\n" How to avoid this error

Please help me its urgent.

Santosh Turamari wrote:

    @from = "#{sender}<>"

If I submit an email id, It is giving error as (Net::SMTPFatalError) "555 5.5.2 Syntax error. d29sm1994943and.38\n"

The from line is the problem. The Net::SMTP library was recently changed so it adds angle brackets to your sender, so you cannot have any in your string. Try this as a workaround:

    @from = ""

Hi Chris,

the workaround solved the problem, thank you!

Is there another way to display a name with the email address without using angle brackets ?


Francesco Canessa wrote:

Hi Chris,

the workaround solved the problem, thank you!

Is there another way to display a name with the email address without using angle brackets ?


On Jul 31, 2:26�pm, Chris Schumann <>

Display? Sure. Do anything you want.

But as of Rails 2.3.3, the from email address will get the angle brackets added, so it can only contain the address.

Rails 2.3.4 is/was supposed to fix that, and includes tests so it will be ensured in future versions.

Thank you so much, I had the same problem and it worked.

Hello all,

I am trying to send email and written code like this:

<code> def matches_for_request( contact, req, matching_offers )     recipients "#{contact}"     from ""     subject "Matches found for your request"     sent_on

    body[:offers] = matching_offers   end </code>

I also had put angled brackets in the from address like "<>". However, as Chris's reply suggets I tried removing the angled brackets. But, this did not solve my problem. I am continuing to get the following error message:

555 5.5.2 Syntax error. 23sm387874pxi.9

Please help.

Try to do like this: from "Monaqasat <>" headers "return-path" => ''

It worked for me !!!

Thanks, Nimesh Nikum

Karim Helal wrote:

use action mailer optional tls