how to appned some string with file name

Dear all. using this below code i get file name of blob image = params[:image][:blob]           puts image.methods           image_name = image.original_filename it gives me => rose.jpg actually i want to append some string with can i do it.pls help. example => rose_big.jpg


string = "rose.jpg"

=> "rose.jpg"

modified = string[0..-5] + "_big" + string[-4..-1]

=> "rose_big.jpg"

you might wannt to check for the "." in that string and cut it there. check out some ruby basics for string manipulation.

Dear all.

using this below code i get file name of blob

image = params[:image][:blob]

      puts image.methods

      image_name = image.original_filename

it gives me

=> rose.jpg

actually i want to append some string with can i do it.pls help.

example => rose_big.jpg

Hi, here’s another option using the File class:

filename = File.basename( filename, “.jpg” ) + "_what_ever_you_want + File.basename( filename )

Good luck,
