How do you deploy RoR? Newb alert!

Huh? Where did you get that idea?

From the git site:

  Git is a free & open source, distributed version control system   designed to handle everything from small to very large projects   with speed and efficiency.

I'm just worried I'm going to waste money on an outdated book :slight_smile:

Thanks again for your time. Jeremy

The book is overbloat. The author suggests to run your rails setup in a Xen virtual machine! Well he sells rails hosting...

Capistrano is not necessary when you know how to use a good scm such as mercurial. A simple bash script + mercurial does everything capistrano can do, and it won't crash on you.

Basically you need:

- Server - Domain name - Install Ruby. I would recommend to stick to 1.8.7, as I'm having painful issues with 1.9.1 and other people too. - Install Passenger, and Nginx - Install a database backend - Get your code on the server. That's where I use my bash+mercurial script.

And you should be good to go. Depending on your skills this can take more or less time. Once you know how to do it once, it's easy.

no i am talking about github .. remote repository, because lot of tutorials i go through are pointing towards this...

@Fernando Capistrano is exactly that very "bash script" by purpose, you are talking about :smiley: ... it's just written in Ruby

Writing another bash script won't re-invent the wheel at all.... when there was no Capistrano in Rails world, I personally used to write that very bash scripting.. for doing everything, deploy, taking backups and all... but honestly it's much more fun with Cap.

It's strongly recommended to spare some time and devote it to learn out how Capistrano works, it will make your life a lot easier :slight_smile: It's just a matter of burning out one day and get the familiarity.

As far as SCM is considered.... it's all personal choice and preference to use Subversion(SVN) or Git or Mercurial(Hg) Selecting an SCM has no concern with deployment through Capistrano and/ or whether to use Passenger or not.

Capistrano supports a lot of SCM tools, viz. SVN, Git, Hg, CVS and many more...

regards, Sur

Sur Max wrote:

@Fernando Capistrano is exactly that very "bash script" by purpose, you are talking about :smiley: ... it's just written in Ruby

Writing another bash script won't re-invent the wheel at all.... when there was no Capistrano in Rails world, I personally used to write that very bash scripting..

My update script:

hg push ssh://... && ssh -t user@ip 'cd /myapp_path && hg update && RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate && touch tmp/restart.txt'

Do I need hundreds (thousands) of lines of ruby code to do that? Certainly not. But yeah, it's cap, it was started by jb, it's ruby, it supports svn and cvs... it's gotta be cool!

I did use capistrano, and it would eventually stop updating the code due to some obscure problem. My dumb bash script never disappointed me.

So how does your script handle rollbacks?

How about a staging environment?

Can it stop and start the crons associated with the site?

All these problems have been solved (with the exception of comprehensive documentation perhaps) and are just a download away. Have you checked to see if the bug has been fixed since you last used it?


I did use capistrano, and it would eventually stop updating the code due to some obscure problem. My dumb bash script never disappointed me.

I see the reason for you not in favor of using Capistrano. You sounds frustrated to have not been able to resolve the issue you had have with your earlier Cap implementation. I am not saying anything against you why to go or why not to go for Capistrano. And I really don't know if you have anything personal against JamisBuck(creator of Capistrano) and/or Ruby programming language :slight_smile: ... to count them a reason to not to use it apart from considering the following advantages as compared to the script you provided...

Your Script: Can deploy: Yes Keeps releases: No Can Rollback: No Does it know what Rollback is: No Can just restart the server without updating code: No Can perform additional server task(s) after/before code updation: No Is it organized: No

Capistrano: Can deploy: Yes Keeps releases: Yes Can Rollback: Yes Does it know what Rollback is: Very well, if your latest deploy fails and crashes the server (not a big deal, happens to lots of ninjas), you can just fire one command "cap rollback" to bring the live server quickly to previously functional state. Can just restart the server without updating code: Yes Can perform additional server task(s) after/before code updation: Yes Is it organized: Yes, the ruby code is placed centrally on your system as a Ruby gem, and for every application you just need to mention the repository address, server address etc. in a configuration file.

Guys, I would just like to say, it's really better to spend some time to get comfy with Capistrano and/or any other automated deployment tool instead of pumping yourself to get the different scripts ready for all server managerial work.

Needless to mention there are some other really good options available which can be used in place of Capistrano. e.g. 1) Vlad 2) Moonshine (and Shadow Puppet)

Moonshine and Shadow Puppet takes the server management and deployment to a totally different level which has not even been defined by the Capistrano... so if you really need an advanced system administration for Rails application's server, go for Moonshine ... but undoubtedly it needs a certain level skills to use it up to the mark and might be a bit difficult for the newbs.

But if you are comfortable with Capistrano and/or Vlad you can easily look in near future to get ready for trying something awesome like Moonshine.

So, for the beginners, I would say Capistrano could be very good option to start with the deployments and build you understanding how the automated deployment tools can be so very helpful in doing quick server management(and deployment) jobs.

regards, Sur

Wow, this is becoming a much better conversation that I ever imagined! :slight_smile:

Since I just went through my first deploy including using proxied ssl, this is what I would recommend -

– First get your app up and working on the deployment server however you can. Copy the files over however you can, install ruby, rails, db and all your incidentals. Get this working first.

– Then once you have everything working perfectly (which is no small achievement the first time), then start finding better ways do do things - like how to streamline. This is where I am right now. I strongly believe that if you do not isolate your goals and try to do everything at once there is high risk of failure. I am not using cap but will soon I think.

– I think github is a good start to the above process since you can easily clone your app. So on dev machine you push and then on your production env you clone it.

FYI, I managed to get my app on Github... However, the biggest issue that i have regarding putting it on Github is that people will be able to see my database settings with my password etc... So I deleted the repository. My guess is that means I'll have to pay to keep it private? How does one keep people from seeing that info?

For your purpose, subversion and git are the same thing!

I use git. I already have an apache web server with the passenger mod in place, so deploying my rails app is as simple as:

/path/to/app> $ git pull

Just don't check in your database.yml :slight_smile:


You can have passwords, database.yml etc in .gitignore so those files aren't visble/posted on your repo

Just don't check in your database.yml :slight_smile:

You can have passwords, database.yml etc in .gitignore so those files

aren't visble/posted on your repo

Oh okay, gotcha, that seems easy enough :slight_smile:

Hi, take a look at Inploy:

Here is an screencast:


.gitignore seems to be really cool. but where is this? what is the path for this file .gitignore?

should this be created manually or is it present as part of git install?

I have git installed and couldn't find this file in /home/myuser/myrailsapp/.git


Jeremy wrote:

The way I understand .gitignore is that it's just a hidden file that lists what files you want git to ignore so it doesn't show up in your repository. It resides inside the folder of the app that directly coincides with the file you want to ignore. The way you do this is by typing a command in your command line that tells Git to "ignore" the file.

However, I don't understand it good enough yet to give you an example because even though somehow I managed to accomplish the .gitignore file and "ignore" my databese.yml file, I'm not sure I understand how to do it again lol..

Do a search for .gitignore and there are several examples out there on the web. That's pretty much what I did, because for some reason Githubs help page on gitignore doesn't really help you accomplish it, it seems a bit cryptic if you ask me. But if you want to check it out, you can find the page here: Ignoring files - GitHub Docs


The .gitignore file should be created in the root directory of your rails project. It tells git which files to ignore when looking at files to commit, for whatever reason. So create a .gitignore file (like you would any other file) and copy/paste this snippet in there.

Sample .gitignore file









Excellent Ulises.

Thanks for this listing. I think this will be helpful to everyone.

Ulises Ramirez-Roche wrote:

Hey all, I found a great open source book "The Ruby on Rails Tutorial Book" here: Ruby on Rails Tutorial | Learn Enough to Be Dangerous It's free, and it's "Up-to-date (now Rails 2.3.8, Rails 3 ASAP)"

It talks about Heroku deployment which is something that was discussed earlier in this discussion. :slight_smile:

Just thought I'd post it for those of you looking for a good Tutorial for beginners from start to finish.