How do I set rails generator properties?

In a rails app I'm working on, when I invoke `rails generate scaffold Model` it uses the `inherited_resources_controller` instead of `scaffold_controller`. I'm not sure when it started doing this, but I'd like it to stop doing that. I'm trying to figure out where this is set and can't seem to find it.

In a rails app I'm working on, when I invoke `rails generate scaffold Model` it uses the `inherited_resources_controller` instead of `scaffold_controller`. I'm not sure when it started doing this, but I'd like it to stop doing that. I'm trying to figure out where this is set and can't seem to find it.

Perhaps you have installed the InheritedResources gem? To override this action see [1] though I have not tried it. That was the first hit on a google search for inherited_resources_controller generate scaffold


[1] any way to permit 'rails scaffold' to work normally if inherited_resources used by another gem? · Issue #195 · activeadmin/inherited_resources · GitHub

I'm now seeing it got installed when I installed ActiveAdmin...

Also, I think I'm dumping duckduckgo as my search engine, as it didn't provide me with that link at all