Highlight member of has_many association


I am trying to work out the best way to designate a member of a has_many relationship with a specific responsibility. In this instance I have a customer model with many addresses, however I need to flag one of them as the billing address.

Every customer must have a single billing address. If only one address is present in the addresses collection, by definition this would also be flagged as the billing address.

I am struggling to find a clean looking way of doing this. I have come up with the following model associations. Within the user interface you can select any member of the addresses collection and assign it as the billing_address. On customer creation a single address is also captured, saved and assigned to the collection and also the billing_address field.

I assume I'll also be putting in some validation logic to ensure billing_address is always a member of the addresses collection.

Has anyone tackled this a different way?

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base    belongs_to :billing_address, :class_name => "Address"    has_many :addresses, :dependent => :destroy end

Thanks, Andrew.

Andrew Edwards wrote:


I am trying to work out the best way to designate a member of a has_many relationship with a specific responsibility. In this instance I have a customer model with many addresses, however I need to flag one of them as the billing address.

Every customer must have a single billing address. If only one address is present in the addresses collection, by definition this would also be flagged as the billing address.

I am struggling to find a clean looking way of doing this. I have come up with the following model associations. Within the user interface you can select any member of the addresses collection and assign it as the billing_address. On customer creation a single address is also captured, saved and assigned to the collection and also the billing_address field.

I assume I'll also be putting in some validation logic to ensure billing_address is always a member of the addresses collection.

Has anyone tackled this a different way?

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base    belongs_to :billing_address, :class_name => "Address"    has_many :addresses, :dependent => :destroy end

Thanks, Andrew.

I think this is pretty much the way I would do it. The other alternatives a) having some kind of column in addresses such as 'role' or b) creating a third table both seem poorer then what you've got.

I would on the other hand design the customer class a little differently:

assuming a column in table customers called billing_address_id,

class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :addresses,     :dependent => :destroy,     :after_add=>:insure_billing_address   do #block for has_many :addresses     def billing       find(proxy_target[:billing_address_id])     end   end

  #callback for addressed:after_add. Sets the billing address to the new   #address if there is not yet a billing address assigned.   def insure_billing_address(address)     self[:billing_address_id] = address[:id] unless self[:billing_address_id]   end end

This would allow something like:   customer = Customer.find :first #etc...   send_bill_to(customer.addresses.billing)