Help with pdf writer and show controller

This is my show controller for repair_tickets:

  def show     @repair_ticket = RepairTicket.find(params[:id])


    respond_to do |format|       format.html # show.html.erb       format.xml { render :xml => @repair_ticket }

      format.pdf do         send_data RepairTicketDrawer.draw(@repair_ticket), :filename => 'repair_tickets/', :type => 'application/pdf', :disposition => 'inline'       end

and this is my public class:

class RepairTicketDrawer     def self.draw(repair_ticket)        pdf =           pdf.text "Test"           pdf.text (repair_ticket.client_id)           pdf.render     end end

This line gices me problems:   pdf.text (repair_ticket.client_id)

I get:    NoMethodError in Repair ticketsController#show      undefined method `each' for 1:Fixnum

try pdf.text (repair_ticket.client_id.to_s)

i do this in my classes when generating an report. after that, i did not get any more errors :wink: (I look up attributes in an more generic way, so that i can do report_and_send(@repair_ticket, options) and have only the desired attributes rendered in an template. there i alwys do the to_s, since once i got an error that sounds like yours with numeric values.