HELP attr_accessor

Hi... I use non modal attribute for companyinfo modal.. For that i have created like below

attr_accessor :std_code

To validate that field i included the below code in to my companyinfo modal.

validates_presence_of :std_code,:message => '*The std number is required.'

it validates when i leave that field empty and shows the validation error. but even after filling the field it shows me error.... what would be the problem.... pls help

Hi... I use non modal attribute for companyinfo modal.. For that i have created like below

attr_accessor :std_code

I am not sure what you mean by a non modal attribute.

To validate that field i included the below code in to my companyinfo modal.

validates_presence_of :std_code,:message => '*The std number is required.'

it validates when i leave that field empty and shows the validation error. but even after filling the field it shows me error.... what would be the problem.... pls help

Have you checked in the rails log that std_code is being passed in with the params?


Colin Law wrote:

Hi... I use non modal attribute for companyinfo modal.. For that i have created like below

attr_accessor :std_code

I am not sure what you mean by a non modal attribute.

pls help

Have you checked in the rails log that std_code is being passed in with the params?


yes it has been passed with params

actually i dont have any field like std_code into my table. so i mentioned as non modal attribute i use like below in my form. <%= error_message_on( @company, :std_code) -%> <%= f.text_field :std_code, { :class => "txtbox",:size => "2" } %> pls guide me

I have not tried to validate an attribute that is not in the table. If it is not saving it what is the point of the validation? I would suggest using ruby-debug to break into the controller just before the validation and check the value of std_code.


Thank you for taking time to reply...

That is i have phone field into my table. I get country code and std code and phone code from the form after getting i append like below


then i save into my phone field.

so i in my modal i have like below

attr_accessor :country_code,:std_code,phone_code

for this purpose i have to validate those three atrr_accessor fields..

i mean is phone = country_code+"-"+std_code+"-"+phone_code Any Helps

any helps or suggestions pls...

Have you tried my suggestion to use ruby-debug to break into the controller just before the validation and check the value of std_code?


ok…in this case you can do validation in this way…

validate :std_code

def std_code errors.add( :std_code ) if self.std_code and self.std_code.blank? end

-Sandip R~