Head first rails Mebay application

I am using rails 3 and the steps that I have done

1.rails new MeBay

2.rails g model ad name:string description:text price:decimal seller_id:integer email:string imr_url:string

3.rake db:migrate

4.rails generate controller ads


Name:<%= @ad.name %>

Description:<%= @ad.description %>

Price:<%= @ad.price %>

Seller Id:<%= @ad.seller_id %>

Email:<%= @ad.email %>



controller ‘ads’ do match ‘ads/:id’ => :show match ‘ads/:id’ => :index end



def show @ad = Ad.find(params[:id]) end def index @ads = Ad.find(:all) end


  1. index.html.erb

All ads


after starting the rails server

in browser I am trying



I am getting routing error. Please help on solving this error.

No route matches [GET] “/MeBay”

No route matches [GET] “/show/ads/3”

please note:other scaffolding project that I created in RoR runs well. but not this one. please help where I went wrong.