HashWithIndifferentAccess in testing


Do you put this line APP_TEXT = ... at the end or beginning of the environment.rb file?

First I put it right below require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'boot') and then I tried moving it to Rails::Initializer.run do |config|   APP_TEXT = (HashWithIndifferentAccess).new(YAML::load(File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/strings.yml"))) however this does not work.

reHa wrote:

I ussually add my things after the initializer - mybe try this way

Rails::Initializer.run do |config|   #standard stuff end

#my stuff APP_TEXT = ....

The reason why this is a good thing is that it means the code runs after Rails has been loaded. Given that HashWithIndifferentAccess is part of rails this is a good thing !

Fred (PS: config/initializers)

Thanks! that worked perfectly, I still don't really understand why the error didn't come up during development and only during the unit testing. But thanks a lot!

Frederick Cheung wrote:

No problem - actually it is interisting question why it worked on the development environment but I don't know the answer :wink: