has_many relationship

not much big of a deal, you should just re-do your code to use eager loading to limit the reqests to the database.

#controller @rec_messages = @user.received_messages.find :all, :include => :sender ....

#view <% @rec_messages.each |rec_message| %>   <b>Message:</b> <%= rec_message.message %>   <b>Sender:</b><%= rec.message.sender.name %> <br> <% end %> Message belongs_to :sender so you can just access it like above... the view code i suggest would work without eager loading too, it just would hit the database again and again to get the sender info

dear sender, i�m out of the office until may 29th. your email will not be forwarded. for urgent stuff please contact joern@fork.de kind regards, alexander

Now that i look at it again, you might want to specify the foreign key on the belongs_to side too...

class Message < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :sender, :class_name => 'User', :foreign_key => "sender_id"   belongs_to :receiver, :class_name => 'User' :foreign_key => "receiver_id" end

That should do the trick. At least i hope so :wink: