Hardcode database record reference into model


I have a table containing system account types ("Income", "Ordered", "Available" etc) which are created as seed data during application installation.

class InventoryAccountType < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :inventory_accounts   enumerable_constant :normal_balance, :constants => [:debit, :credit]

  validates_uniqueness_of :name

  # system account types

  def self.income     find_by_name("Income")   end

  def self.ordered     find_by_name("Ordered")   end

  def self.available     find_by_name("Available")   end


These account types represent system concepts that are referenced in code elsewhere in application, for example:

class InventoryTransaction < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_many :inventory_account_entries   validate :account_entries_balance

  # locate new inventory   def self.create_inventory(product_sku, storage_location, quantity, inventory_batch = nil)

    # if no batch specified, create a new batch     if inventory_batch.nil?       inventory_batch = InventoryBatch.create(:product_sku => product_sku)     end

    product_income_account = InventoryAccount.retrieve_by_type (product_sku, InventoryAccountType.income)     available_product_location_account = InventoryAccount.retrieve_by_location(inventory_batch, storage_location, InventoryAccountType.available)

    account_transfer(product_income_account, available_product_location_account, quantity)   end end

Do you think this approach to hardcoding record lookups into the InventoryAccountType model in such a way is good practice?

There may be other InventoryAccountTypes created by the user during application usage but these would be only be managed and allocated to by the user as general account transfers. Not by system core system use cases such as creating new inventory as addressed by it own methods in the model.

I have also added a "system" boolean column to the InventoryAccountType table so as to know which types cannot be deleted or edited.

I was also thinking of replacing the:

  def self.available     find_by_name("Available")   end

...style methods for each system type with some of dynamic ruby method that automatically creates a method for any database record that has system == 1. This would save having to clutter the InventoryAccountType model with multiple method definitions doing the same thing.

Thanks in advance, Andrew.


I think you should use named_scope instead of this kind of access...

class InventoryAccountType < ActiveRecord::Base    named_scope :income, :conditions => {:name => 'Income'}    named_scope :ordered, :conditions => {:name => 'Ordered'} end

you can use it the same way but you can chain scopes.. eg

data = InventoryAccountType.income.ordered

in your case (with def.self methods) is that not possible


Andrew Edwards wrote:

I have a table containing system account types ("Income", "Ordered", "Available" etc) which are created as seed data during application installation.

The never-ending enumeration story. For my take on it see (without line break, with hyphen):

http://www.schuerig.de/michael/blog/index.php/2009/04/02/simplistic- enums/

I notice that my caching mechanism would get in the way of your requirement to have "non-managed" enumeration values.

These account types represent system concepts that are referenced in code elsewhere in application, for example:

class InventoryTransaction < ActiveRecord::Base


With the enums implementation linked above, I'm handling a similar case like this:

class InventoryAccountType < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :inventory_accounts

  enumerates do |e|     e.value :name => 'income', :title => 'Income'     e.value :name => 'ordered', :title => 'Ordered'     e.value :name => 'available', :title => 'Available'   end end

class InventoryAccount < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :inventory_account_type

  InventoryAccountType.each_name do |name|     named_scope "of_#{name}_type",       :joins => :inventory_account_type,       :conditions => { :inventory_account_types => { :name => name } }   end end

Then you can do thinks like


Without the trickery, you could define a parameterized scope like this

class InventoryAccount < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :inventory_account_type

  named_scope :of_type, lambda { |type|     :joins => :inventory_account_type,     :conditions => { :inventory_account_types => { :name => type } }   } end

And use it as



Thanks Tom,

I've just tried using method_missing to generate the methods, but thinking about it your named_scope suggestion might have future value, chaining etc. Also, I think the named_scope might be a bit more self documenting and helps enforce nothing gets missed or forgotten about.

# dynamically create lookup method for any system account type

def self.method_missing(method)   if account_type = find(:first, :conditions => { :name => method.to_s, :system_type => true })     account_type   else     super   end end

Thanks, Andrew.