haml generated javascript

Hi guys, I'm a little stumped on how to get the output from a HAML generated list "= render :text => @providers.map(&:name)" called by the application.js $(document).ready( function(){   $( '#user_provider_name' ).autocomplete({     url: '/providers.js'     }); });

into listed format ie. test_01 test_02 test_03

currently the output is: ["test_02", "test_01", "test_03", "test"] which is shown as one string in the drop down box under the text field ..

it seems to me the the autocomplete isn't getting the data thus the lack of format

my devbox is running   ruby:     interpreter: "ruby"     version: "1.9.2dev"     date: "2010-07-11"     platform: "i686-linux"     patchlevel: "2010-07-11 revision 28618"     full_version: "ruby 1.9.2dev (2010-07-11 revision 28618) [i686- linux]"