HABTM issue

class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :correlations has_many :roles, :through => :correlations has_many :skills, :through => :correlations attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me, :role_ids, :skill_ids, :username, :first_name, :last_name, :address, :city, :state , :country, :phone_number, :photo,:fullname, :shortbio, :weburl

def role?(role)
return !!self.roles.find_by_name(role.to_s.camelize)

end def skill?(skill) return !!self.skills.find_by_name(skill.to_s.camelize) end


class Correlation < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :role belongs_to :skill belongs_to :user end

class Skill < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :correlations has_many :roles, :through => :correlations has_many :users, :through => :correlations end

class Role < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :correlations has_many :skills, :through => :correlations has_many :users, :through => :correlations


module ArticlesHelper

def skill_list
    skills_ids = current_user.skill_ids
    skills_ids.delete_if {|x| x == nil}
    skills = Skill.find(skills_ids)
    return skills


if working fine but on heroku console

@user.skill_ids NoMethodError: undefined method skill_ids' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation:0x00000005515b58> @user.role_ids NoMethodError: undefined method skill_ids’ for #ActiveRecord::Relation:0x00000005515b58

Any idea?

Pleaase help


Your problem is here:

@user.skill_ids NoMethodError: undefined method `skill_ids' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation:0x00000005515b58> @user.role_ids NoMethodError: undefined method `skill_ids' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation:0x00000005515b58>

Try @user.skills.all and @user.roles.all.

Of you really DO want just the ids (seriously ask yourself why), then @user.skills.all.collect(&:id) and @user.roles.all.collect(&:id)

not working

not working

It is no good just saying 'not working'. Post exactly what you have tried and exactly what the result is.

By the way please don't top post, it makes it difficult to follow the thread. Insert your replies inline at appropriate points in the previous message. Thanks.


class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :correlations has_many :roles, :through => :correlations has_many :skills, :through => :correlations attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :remember_me, :role_ids, :skill_ids, :username, :first_name, :last_name, :address, :city, :state , :country, :phone_number, :photo,:fullname, :shortbio, :weburl

Why do you have these att_accessible things? If these are the columns from the database table users, then ActiveRecord will already take care of those. I think you should take out the entire attr_accessible line and try again. (Well, depending on how they are used, you might need to retain a `attr_accessor … Ah, you have attr_accessible (an ActiveRecord thing) not attr_accessor (a Ruby thing).) OK, so I still wonder if having :skill_ids in that list is wrong since it is not a column, but a method added by ActiveRecord. (and same for :role_ids)

def role?(role)
return !!self.roles.find_by_name(role.to_s.camelize)

end def skill?(skill) return !!self.skills.find_by_name(skill.to_s.camelize) end

Unless you actually depend on true/false rather than just truthiness, you don’t need the !! (or the return)

def role?(a_role)




class Correlation < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :role belongs_to :skill belongs_to :user end

class Skill < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :correlations has_many :roles, :through => :correlations has_many :users, :through => :correlations end

class Role < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :correlations has_many :skills, :through => :correlations has_many :users, :through => :correlations


module ArticlesHelper

def skill_list
    skills_ids = current_user.skill_ids
    skills_ids.delete_if {|x| x == nil}
    skills = Skill.find(skills_ids)
    return skills


if working fine but on heroku console

@user.skill_ids NoMethodError: undefined method skill_ids' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation:0x00000005515b58> @user.role_ids NoMethodError: undefined method skill_ids’ for #ActiveRecord::Relation:0x00000005515b58

Any idea?

Pleaase help



Rob Biedenharn

Rob@AgileConsultingLLC.com http://AgileConsultingLLC.com/

rab@GaslightSoftware.com http://GaslightSoftware.com/

hi… please help me out m very much new to rails… just how to create form using rails???