globalite problem for website online but not offline


I’ve just put online my first website in ruby on rails but I’ve a problem with the globalite plugin.

Locally the plugin works perfectly, with detection of the browser’s language. My application is foreseen in French and Dutch but locally, if the browser is f.e. in English, the application is automatically opened in Dutch. But online this specification doesn’t work anymore. For the browser not in French or dutch, the application doesn’t work properly with a lot of “localization_missing” errors.

Someone has any idea where the problem is?

To manage the languages available on the website, I’ve created a controller “language” to define the 2 languages available.

In environment.rb, I’ve added this “Globalite.language = :nl”

Hereunder my application.rb

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base   helper :all # include all helpers, all the time

  include AuthenticatedSystem   # See ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection for details   # Uncomment the :secret if you're not using the cookie session store   protect_from_forgery # :secret => '5880ee74dae8cc2f2a3cc02e4976d601'

  around_filter :set_locale   private   # Set the locale from the parameters, the session, or the navigator # If none of these works, the Globalite default locale is set (en-*)   def set_locale     @current_path = request.env['PATH_INFO']     @request_method = request.env['REQUEST_METHOD']     if params[:user_locale]         logger.debug params[:user_locale]         Locale.code = params[:user_locale] #get_matching_ui_locale(params[:user_locale][:code]) #|| session[:locale] || get_valid_lang_from_accept_header || Globalite.default_language         session[:locale] = Locale.code     elsif session[:locale]         Locale.code = session[:locale]     else         Locale.code = get_valid_lang_from_accept_header.local_case     end     logger.debug "[globalite] Locale set to #{Locale.code}"     yield     Locale.reset!   end

  def get_sorted_langs_from_accept_header     accept_langs = (request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] || "en-us,en;q=0.5").split(/,/) rescue nil     return nil unless accept_langs     wl = {}     accept_langs.each {|accept_lang|         if (accept_lang + ';q=1') =~ /^(.+?);q=([^;]+).*/             wl[($2.to_f rescue -1.0)]= $1         end     }     logger.debug "[globalite] client accepted locales: #{wl.sort{|a,b| b[0] <=> a[0] }.map{|a| a[1] }.to_sentence}"     wl.sort{|a,b| b[0] <=> a[0] }.map{|a| a[1] }   end   def get_valid_lang_from_accept_header     get_sorted_langs_from_accept_header.detect{|l| get_matching_ui_locale(l) }   end   def get_matching_ui_locale(locale)     lang = locale[0,2].downcase     if Globalite.ui_locales.values.include?(locale.local_case)       locale.local_case     end     Globalite.ui_locales.values.each do |value|       value.to_s =~ /#{lang}-*/ ? value : nil     end   end end class String   def local_case       if self[3,5]         "#{self[0,2]}-#{self[3,5].upcase}".to_sym       else         "#{self[0,2]}-*".to_sym       end   end end

Hereunder where I defin the language in my controllers: @homepages = Homepage.find_all_by_language_id(Language.resolve(Locale.code.to_s[0,2]))

Thanks in advance for your help!