Getting HTTP response code from a controller

You'll have to hook it somewhere else (eg, in Mongrel or a monkey/ mixin patch to ActionController::Base). Your controller won't be consulted in the case of a 404 or 500 error. Those are usually generated from exceptions.

Is there a reason you need to know about these status codes in your controller?

Cool, I could have a use for that as well. Let me know if you guys figure it out. In the meantime I'll try to do it too.

Here's a first stab...

# lib/final_response.rb module FinalResponse   def self.included(base)     base.class_eval do       alias_method :process_without_final_response, :process       alias_method :process, :process_with_final_response     end   end

  def process_with_final_response(*args)     process_without_final_response(*args)   ensure     final_response if respond_to?(:final_response)   end end

# app/controllers/my_controller.rb class MyController < ActionController::Base   include FinalResponse   def final_response"status = #{headers['Status']}")   end

  def action     raise   end end

Your final_response method won't have access to the session, but you'll still be OK to access models.

There's probably a better way to do this, but this should work...