gem xmlsimple behaves unexplectedly after adding aws-s3 gem

Hi all, after spending a long night trying to track down some unexpected spec failures in my app I came to the conclusion that the reason was aws-s3 gem, which probably monkey patches XmlSimple class and changes its behaviour so that xml_in method won't honor passed options anymore. Here is a simple spec file to prove it... uncomment line 4 to make it fail.

require 'rubygems' require 'spec' require 'xmlsimple' # require 'aws/s3'

module XmlSimpleHelper   def xml_sample     %q(       <greetings>         <greeting>Ciao</greeting>         <greeting>Hello</greeting>       </greetings>     )   end end

describe XmlSimple do   include XmlSimpleHelper   it 'should remove root tag by default' do     expected = {'greeting' => ["Ciao", "Hello"]}     XmlSimple.xml_in(xml_sample).should == expected   end

  it 'should keep root tag when asked' do     options = {'KeepRoot' => true}     expected = {'greetings' => [{'greeting' => ["Ciao", "Hello"]}]}     XmlSimple.xml_in(xml_sample, options).should == expected   end

  it 'should force to array when asked' do     options = {'ForceArray' => true}     expected = {'greeting' => ["Ciao", "Hello"]}     XmlSimple.xml_in(xml_sample, options).should == expected   end end

All gems were freshly updated... I haven'l looked at aws-s3 code yet, I will do later, in the meanwhile I'd like to know other people opinion, if this is some kind of bug in the gem or what...


Andrea Longhi

Again, the aws-s3 gem keeps biting my hand:

require 'rubygems' require 'spec' require 'xmlsimple' require 'aws/s3' # remove to test pass

def xml   %q(<price currency="USD">10.99</price>) end

def expected     {"content"=>"10.99", "currency"=>"USD"} end

describe XmlSimple do   it 'should return expected content' do     data = XmlSimple.xml_in(xml, 'keeproot' => false)     data.should == expected   end end