gem update broken?

This probably isn't strictly a RoR problem, but I'm getting the following error when updating gems:

tom@tom-laptop:~/code/radrails_workspace/calendar$ sudo gem update Password: Updating installed gems... Need to update 6 gems from ..ERROR: While executing gem ... (URI::InvalidURIError)     bad URI(is not URI?): | your community gem host

This wasn't happening yesterday!

Any ideas?

Crap. I'm getting the same error. Tom Taylor wrote:

Yup. Have the same problem. This activerecord-jdbc package just came out and I guess something failed.

Same here :frowning:

root@laptop:/home/chris# gem install rails --include-dependencies Need to update 40 gems from .........ERROR: While executing gem ... (URI::InvalidURIError)     bad URI(is not URI?): | your community gem host root@laptop:/home/chris#

Jon Gretar Borgthorsson wrote:

fred wrote:

Crap. I'm getting the same error. Tom Taylor wrote:

This probably isn't strictly a RoR problem, but I'm getting the following error when updating gems:

tom@tom-laptop:~/code/radrails_workspace/calendar$ sudo gem update Password: Updating installed gems... Need to update 6 gems from ..ERROR: While executing gem ... (URI::InvalidURIError)     bad URI(is not URI?): | your community gem host

This wasn't happening yesterday!

Any ideas?

The release of ActiveRecord-JDBC managed to put a faulty gem into the system. Hopefully my removal of that gem will propagate to the source index soon enough.

Password: Updating installed gems… Need to update 6 gems from …ERROR: While executing gem … (URI::InvalidURIError) bad URI(is not URI?): gem::version:0xa53ac84.gemspec.rz

Good timing, just tried a gem update myself and had the same error. Was about to post a similar email.

I had the same assumption, but would also assume that one misconfigured package wouldn’t prevent the update command from completing. Most likely a scenario that was overlooked and will probably be fixed soon (and probably not happen again).

Well. Everytime gem connects to the net it gets updated pakage descriptions. So if one of them is faulty then that selfupdate fails.