FusionCharts empty value


I have this method. When i run it the @arr_data returns no value, so the graph remains empty. When i hard-code the value in the array, like this @arr_data << ['test', '1234'] it works. What i am doing wrong??

def stacked

      headers["content-type"]="text/html";       @arr_data =       #Get data from factory masters table

      factory_masters = Fusioncharts::FactoryMaster.find(:all)       factory_masters.each do |factory_master|           total = 0.0           factory_id = factory_master.id           factory_name = factory_master.name           factory_master.factory_output_quantities.each do


                  total = total + factory_output.quantity           end           # Push the hash of values into the array           @arr_data << {:factory_name=>factory_name,:factory_output=>total}

      end     end