freezing blucloth gem into an app?

Any suggestions on freezing bluecloth [1] into an app? It has a non-standard install [2], and when I used to freeze it into a rails app, I get this on startup: ERROR: Please update /home/dhaskin/workspace/bsg-1.11/vendor/gems/BlueCloth-1.0.0/init.rb with the require path for linked RubyGem BlueCloth Exiting and I’m not completely sure how to address this. Thanks! dwh [1] and [2] “You can install this module either by running the included install.rb script, or by simply copying lib/bluecloth.rb to a directory in your load path.”

Hi, you should be able to use the following within your application’s root directory:

rake rails:freeze:gems

Good luck,


Unless I’m mistaken, that only freezes the Rails gems. Not any other gems. Or am I wrong?


Conrad Taylor wrote: