formatting a date string

Hey all,

I have 90 records in database with this kind of format: 2011-05-10 11:23:15

So they are all 2011-05-10 but have different times.

User enters two dates, and just in case the two dates are the same, I want to ensure I grab all records that span entire day.

So I do this:


But it returns empty result:


reports_for scope looks like this:

   scope :reports_for, lambda { |start_date, end_date|      where("time between ? and ?", start_date, end_date)    }

Problem is the sql looks like this:

SELECT "reports".* FROM "reports" WHERE ("reports".unit_id = 1113) AND (time between '2011-10-05 00:00:00.000000' and '2011-10-05 23:59:59.999999') ORDER BY time desc LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0

Right now the user input looks like this:


But I want it to be in this format:


thanks for response

This post helped me resolve my issue:

The key is using the strftime method.

So now I can do this:

units.reports.reports_for(Date.parse(Date.parse('5/10/2011').strftime('%Y/ %d/ %m')).beginning_of_day,Date.parse(Date.parse('5/10/2011').strftime('%Y/ %d/%m')).end_of_day)

Hey all,

I have 90 records in database with this kind of format: 2011-05-10 11:23:15

So they are all 2011-05-10 but have different times.

User enters two dates, and just in case the two dates are the same, I want to ensure I grab all records that span entire day.

So I do this:


But it returns empty result:


reports_for scope looks like this:

  scope :reports_for, lambda { |start_date, end_date|     where("time between ? and ?", start_date, end_date)   }

Problem is the sql looks like this:

SELECT "reports".* FROM "reports" WHERE ("reports".unit_id = 1113) AND (time between '2011-10-05 00:00:00.000000' and '2011-10-05 23:59:59.999999') ORDER BY time desc LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0

Have you noticed that these are 2011-10-05 and you said in the first sentence 2011-05-10.

Depending on which version of Ruby, a/b/YYYY where both a<=12 and b<=12, sometimes a is the month and sometimes b is the month.

Your first issue is parsing the date format as input from the user.

Take a look at Date#strptime

irb(main):003:0> Date.strptime('5/10/2011', '%m/%d/%Y').to_s => "2011-05-10" irb(main):004:0> Date.strptime('5/10/2011', '%d/%m/%Y').to_s => "2011-10-05"