form_remote_tag and redirect_to?

I'm using a form_remote_tag for a small form for which I want to show any errors without the page having to reload. This part works fine, but how do I use redirect_to with it? Once the form is submitted and saved successfully (with no errors), I want to redirect to another controller, but what's happening is the page isn't reloading - the output from that other controller is just replacing the form in that ajax element. I couldn't find anything about it in the API docs for form_remote_tag.

You have to use js to change the location.href. Put something like
this in your controller:

render(:update) {|page| page.redirect_to :action => 'foo' }



I am using that piece of code and the page redirects fine, but just before the redirect I see a chunk of javascript (or some kind of code) appear on the page (try/catch block of some sort). Is there any way to hide this code?