Filtering one data set based on user action from another controller


I am trying to filter the results of one controller based on the selection (not as a drop-down list) by the user resulting from a click from the results of another data set (anotherer controller).

For example, I have albums displayed across the top of all pages (as a partial inserted in the layout) with the code:

<% for album in get_albums %> <%= ( %>&#160;|&#160; <% end %>

I want the user to be able to click on one of these albums and only have the pictures from that album displayed below (pictures would be coming from the picture controller).

What is the best way to store the result of the user click on the different album name, and then, how do I then get the picture controller to use that selected album and only return the associated pics?

Thanks, I've been looking for the last couple of days for an answer but haven't been able to come up with one, any advice would be appreciated.
