File size of web-based flv. Reading some bytes from a web-based file.

This is such a noobie question.

I have a file,

I want to do two simple things:

1) I want to get the file size.

2) I want to read a few hundred bytes from the beginning of the file so as to pick up te flv's time duration.

Are there RoR and/or Ruby facilities to do this?

Ralph Shnelvar

Well the File lass has a size method and you can open files and read them with sysread which is available in the IO class (which you get when you open a file)

Also this has nothing to do with RoR


Tuesday, January 3, 2012, 2:37:35 AM, you wrote:

Well the File lass has a size method and you can open files and read them with sysread which is available in the IO class (which you get when you open a file)

Also this has nothing to do with RoR

At least on my machine

C:\Users\Ralph>irb irb(main):001:0> File.size('c:/RailsInstaller/Sites/ultradedup002/app/views/usage/VideoTutorials.html.haml') => 32406 irb(main):002:0> File.size('’) Errno::EINVAL: Invalid argument -         from (irb):2:in `size'         from (irb):2         from C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.2/bin/irb:12:in `<main>' irb(main):003:0>

So File.size() seems to work on local files and not web-based files.

I'll take this to the ruby chat list.

Ralph Shnelvar

Hi Ralphs,
just use these
response = http.request_head(RemoteAddress)

file_size = response['content-length']

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