I'm new to Rails. i am using aptana Radrails and rad rails standalone
version for my development. Followed some tutorials on the web on how to
create a simple project.
When I fire up the browser the fields and labels are not being
displayed. I also tried IE external to RadRails, and FireFox. Same
thing. I see 'show edit destroy', and 'new', and that's it. I can click
on 'new', then click on 'create', and a record does get added to the
MySQL db (all spaces).
I added a default value to one of the fields and that isn't displayed
either. I've deleted the project and did it again, same result. Deleted
that one and followed the example from the Ruby on Rails for Dummies
book...same result.
Any suggestions on what could be causing this? pls see the attachemnt
I have same issue. Did you find what was wrong with that example?
If yes please let me know how to fix it.
I'd guess that the tutorial being followed assumes the presence of
dynamic scaffolding, which hasn't been the case for a long time (was
removed in rails 2 I think)