Fear of sharing

Hi guys, I have an idea for a cool web application but i'm not done learning ruby... almost. I plan to move on to learning rails when i'm okay with using ruby which should be in about 2 months I suppose. I'm itching to develop this app but that will only happen when i'm done with rails which is another i don't know how many months only God knows. I was thinking of asking for people who might be interested to help me do this but I have this fear of sharing ideas over the internet that someone might take it and run with it... what do I do about this now? I'm kinda confused. I'm not sure if I should share it or wait till I'm set to do this then maybe tell people about it when I'm done with a prototype... what do you guys think? any advice?

Have you read rails tutorial?


I’m not sure how it will take you to read this but I guess you’ll have an idea.

You first have to be sure how it will take you to learn it, after that you can share your idea with someone who can help you :slight_smile:

Javier Q

Hi Samuel,

Hi guys, I have an idea for a cool web application...


I'm kinda confused.

Agreed. First evidence is that you've asked a fundamental business question on a technical forum :wink:

I'm not sure if I should share it or wait till I'm set to do this then maybe tell people about it when I'm done with a prototype... what do you guys think? any advice?

1) A product (or service) is not a business. They're separate things. The product is typically much easier to build than the business. 2) Team is much, much more important to success than Product. Build your team. Then build your product. If you can't 'sell' your product to potential team members (i.e., get anyone else as excited by the idea as you are) then your chances of selling it to paying customers are pretty much nil. Be ready and open to redefining your product as a function of building your team. The fundamental definition of a "Better" product is that more people want to be involved in helping you build it.

HTH, Bill

Team is much, much more important to success than Product. Build your team. Then build your product.

I've thought of this for a while but the fact that you mentioned it which rings a bell means I should consider it which I have and I'm going to post it as a new topic and anyone interested should email me :slight_smile:

HTH, Bill

Thanks Bill :slight_smile:

You're welcome. Best of luck to you!
