Extracting OS Name


At the time of downloading, I want to save the values of IP Address & Client Type( from which OS - Mac/Windows/Linux & system it was downloaded ) to the database.

Any ideas how can I achieve this ?



From my rails application, I have given a download button, which will download a file from the server. At the time of downloading, I want to save the values of IP Address & Client Type( from which OS - Mac/Windows/Linux & system it was downloaded ) to the database. Any ideas how can I achieve this ?

google for rails get client os ip


Thanks a lot. It seems useful. I am going to try this.



Thanks for the reply.

I got correct solution for system os. But I am getting the ip as which is default.

I tried a few solutions. but nothing seems to be working. All are giving me same results.

How can I change the ipaddress to the current system;s ipaddress ?


Thanks for the reply. I got correct solution for system os. But I am getting the ip as which is default. I tried a few solutions. but nothing seems to be working. All are giving me same results. How can I change the ipaddress to the current system;s ipaddress ?

That is just because you are accessing the app from the same PC as the server is running on. If you go to a different PC and access the server on the first PC from there you should find that it shows the correct IP address.


Thanks a lot. I tried with another system & it is working.