Extending a wizard


I’ve created a simple wizard that collects data in 3 steps and then posts it to a Create action.

Validation is only performed when the data is posted. However, I would like the individual steps to be validated as well. Any ideas on this one?


Step 1



Email (confirm)

Is there a generic way to let ActiveRecord validate the individual fields of a Model Object instead of the entire thing?



I've created a simple wizard that collects data in 3 steps and then
posts it to a Create action.

Validation is only performed when the data is posted. However, I
would like the individual steps to be validated as well. Any ideas
on this one?

Example: Step 1 Name Email Email (confirm)

Is there a generic way to let ActiveRecord validate the individual
fields of a Model Object instead of the entire thing?

The if/unless options on validates_* may be of interest.


Could you please post some code to explainify?

Could you please post some code to explainify?

validates_foo :if => :bar

will run that validation only if the bar method returns true. so you
can conditionalize your validations on anything you want.
