existing application with mysql migration

i have download one rails application. i am using mysql database. so i need to get the existing database into mysql, and run that application. how will run that application. i have search so many stuffs, but i didn’t get related issues. how to migrate that schema into database.

Thank you


Try rake db:create which should create the database according to the contents of schema.rb Then rake db:migrate which will run any migrations that are not already in schema.rb.


i have download one rails application. i am using mysql database. so i need to get the existing database into mysql, and run that application. how will run that application. i have search so many stuffs, but i didn’t get related issues. how to migrate that schema into database.

Change database details in app/config/database.yml

and run

rake db:migrate

and also run

bundle install

To install all gems in that application

I am fed up with so many gems problems to running one ruby on rails application , which use ruby 1.8.7 and rails 2.3.6. so some gems which related

By default, bundle install is for rails 3 and above.



Here I share my experience with open source http://www.sathia27.wordpress.com


After changing the rails version in environment.rb you must install that version of rails and run rake rails:update That will update some files for you. Commit those to your version control system obviously.

Although I believe there is a way of using bundler with rails 2 it is not normally used with version 2.

If you are still having problems come back with the specific issue.


Thanks sathia. i got that when i search

Thanks colin