Executing multiple controllers with one request

I'm designing an Ajax RPC Router for Rails using Ext JS library.

I need to dispatch actions to multiple controllers during a single request.

I made a piece of Rack Middleware and plugged it in to Rails initializer in environment.rb

<code> Rails::Initializer.run do |config|     config.middleware.use MyRouter "rpc" end </code>

The following Rack Middleware is *far* from being complete. I show dispatching to hard-coded controller/actions here as an example.

<code> class MyRouter   def initialize(app, rpc_path)     @app = app     @rpc_path = rpc_path   end

  def call(env)     request_env = env.dup // <-- have to duplicate env for each request     if request_env["PATH_INFO"].match("^"+@rpc_path) # <-- detect rpc path       output = # <-- capture each controller's response into an array       ["company", "user"].each do |controller_name|         request_env["PATH_INFO"] = "/#{controller_name}/load" # <-- re-write env         request_env["REQUEST_URI"] = "/#{controller_name}/load"         output << @app.call(request_env) # <-- Is it kosher to call multiple controllers like this??       end       [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, process_response(output)]     else       @app.call(env)     end   end

  def process_response(list)       # iterate array of controller responses and return the body from each.   end end </code>

Is it OK to dispatch to multiple controllers like this? In Merb, I implemented this RPC functionality using merb-parts. Is there a similar/better way in Rails?

Ever get anywhere with this approach to dispatch actions to multiple controllers during a single request?