Europe mirror for the official Rails repository

Hey Rails devs,

We're in Slovenia (southern Europe) and sometimes we get very slow speeds when pulling from the official Rails repository (GitHub). Speed can drop down to under 20 KiB/s, and the top I've seen is around 300.

I've created a mirror on from which we get a constant ~450 KiB/s when pulling, which enables us to clone the whole repository in around 40 seconds. Consequentially, updates are faster, too. This speeds up some development and deployment tasks with vendored Rails (the unreleased 2.2 version).

Like every other, the repository on is public and can be used by anyone:

Clone URL: git:// Web URL: Public Git Hosting

Keep in mind that this mirror is not supported officially, and that the service is BETA. Use at your own risk. We're using it at our own benefit.

In short: this is the same Ruby on Rails code, just a different location on the globe. The mirror is updated hourly.

# Mislav