Doubt in retrieving data to html?


I have a controller

def showagencies
@getdata=Agency.all(:joins=>:contracts, :select=>“agencies.*”,:conditions=>[“contract_id in (?) and agencies.status =?”,,1 ]) end

@getdata is not visible in html its lenght is o but has some contents

plz let me know how to access this

Thank you i made small mistake but i got the output

Hi i have another doubt

for the below code

def showagencies

for contract in @contracts do

@agency=Agency.all(:joins=>:contracts, :select=>“agencies.*”,:conditions=>[“contract_id in (?) and agencies.status =?”,,1 ])


  for getdata in @getdata  do       



end end

now as you can see @contract_name will have many agencies

so i have another for loop and getting @agency_name

so my out put will be


contract1 agency1 agency2 contract2 agency1


now can i take @contract_name and @agency_name

and display like the above output in html

if my approach is wrong plz guide me