Don't get the right error message on submit a form


I've got a small problem with my validation of a model. I have a user and a user_setting table. The user has all main informations and the user_setting - table has addional data like his first name etc. All necessary input field are in one form and connect with field_for to the right model. All possible input fields of the user_setting table are saved in a configuration file. If the form will be submitted the user_setting model check the value of the input fields with the given informations of the configuration file. Now is my problem that message in combination with the Globalite - plugin allways repeat "__localization_missing__" and not the right message of the check_settings - method. Antoher problem is that the input field of user_setting model are not red marked in the create form.

My Model: class UserSetting < ActiveRecord::Base   validate :check_settings

  belongs_to :user, :foreign_key => "user_id"

  validates_presence_of :name, :message => :message_insert_name.l   validates_presence_of :setting_type, :message => "Include type"

  protected   def check_settings     yaml_settings = LoadConfigurations.load_configurations("user_settings")     if yaml_settings[self.setting_type][]['necessary'] == 1       errors.add(, :notice_no_value_set.l("Error! No value set!")) if self.value.blank?     elsif !yaml_settings[self.setting_type][]['range'].blank?

    end   end


Has anybody some tips to solve these problems?

Regards Eddy
